Hubungan antara Karakteristik dan Peran Kerja Istri Nelayan dengan Kontribusinya dalam Pendapatan Rumah Tangga
Fishermen’s work is characterized by low and fluctuating income due to weather and season factors. Therefore, the wife’s productive work and income is important contribution to household income. The objectives of this study are to (1) Describe the fisherman wife’s characteristics, working roles, and income contribution ; (2) Analyze the relationship between characteristics and working roles of fisherman’s wife; and (3) Analyze the relationship between characteristics and working role of fisherman’s wife with their contribution to the household income. The research was conducted in Cidadap Village in Sukabumi using survey method and supported by qualitative data, and using a Chi-Square analysis test. Forty respondents were chosen purposively. The statistic test indicated that there is no relation between the characteristic of fisherman’s wife with their working role, but both the type of wife’s work and the type of husband’s work were significantly related to the contribution of women’s income to the household.
Key words: fisherman, fisherman wife’s working role ; wife’s contribution to household income
Masyarakat nelayan sampai saat ini identik dengan kemiskinan dan pendapatan tidak menentu karena faktor cuaca dan musim, sehingga istri perlu bekerja produktif dan memberi kontribusi pendapatan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik, peran kerja, dan kontribusi pendapatan istri nelayan; (2) Menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik dengan peran kerja istri nelayan; serta (3) Menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik dan peran kerja istri nelayan dengan kontribusi pendapatan rumah tangga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cidadap dengan metode kuantitatif yaitu survei yang didukung data kualitatif, dan menggunakan uji analisis Chi Square. Responden sebanyak 40 orang dipilih secara purposive. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik istri nelayan dengan peran kerja perempuan tidak memiliki hubungan, sedangkan karakteristik dan peran kerja istri nelayan yang berhubungan dengan kontribusi pendapatan perempuan adalah jenis pekerjaan perempuan dan pekerjaan suami.
Kata kunci: Nelayan, Peran Kerja Istri Nelayan, Kontribusi Istri dalam Pendapatan Rumah TanggaDownloads
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