Dampak Industrialisasi Pedesaan terhadap Modal Nafkah Rumah Tangga Sekitar Kawasan Industri


  • Joko Hendra Saputra Department of Communication and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University
  • Murdianto Murdianto Department of Communication and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University




livelihood assets



Industry in real has been succsess improving economic of Indonesia since Soeharto’s regim and keep this development until now. Various of  industrial expansion areas has entered into rural areas of origin is an agricultural area in Indonesia. As an agricultural country, villagers in Indonesia, many are farmers and relies heavily on the availability of land. There are five capital used by farm households to survive and improve their lives there are natural capital, human capital, physical capital, financial capital and social capital. This study aims to analyze the impact of industrialization on ivelihood of farm households. The impact can be seen by the industry non-farm employment opportunities and the buying and selling of land. While living through the fifth capital capital income. The method used is quantitative methods (questionnaire), which is supported by qualitative data.

Keywords: business opprtunity, livelihood assets, social changes



Industri secara nyata telah berhasil meningkatkan perekonomian di Indonesia sejak era pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto dan terus dikembangkan hingga saat ini. Berbagai perluasan kawasan industri telah masuk ke daerah pedesaan yang asalnya merupakan daerah pertanian di Indonesia. Sebagai negara agraris, masyarakat desa di Indonesia banyak berprofesi sebagai petani dan sangat bergantung pada ketersediaan lahan. Terdapat lima modal yang digunakan oleh rumah tangga petani untuk dapat bertahan hidup dan meningkatkan kehidupan mereka yaitu modal alam, modal manusia, modal fisik, modal finansial dan modal sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak industrialisasi terhadap modal nafkah (livelihood assets) rumah tangga petani. Dampak industri dapat dilihat berdasarkan kesempatan bekerja non pertanian dan jual-beli lahan. Sementara itu modal nafkah melalui kelima modal nafkah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif (kuesioner) yang didukung dengan data kualitatif.

Kata kunci: Kesempatan usaha, livelihood assets, perubahan sosial.


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How to Cite

“Dampak Industrialisasi Pedesaan terhadap Modal Nafkah Rumah Tangga Sekitar Kawasan Industri”, jor. sains. kom. peng. masy., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 89–104, Feb. 2018, doi: 10.29244/jskpm.2.1.89-104.