Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Keluarga dalam Menentukan Penolong Persalinan
This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence family decision-making in choosing childbirth helper in Ligarmukti Village, Bogor. These factors are households’ internal factors (household characteristics and expecting mothers) and households’ external factors (health services and social capital). This research was carried out using quantitative approach, and utilized questionnaire, in-depth interview and observation as the data collection methods. Results of the study show that the majority of respondents still prefer traditional midwife as childbirth helper than village midwife. Decisions were made by mutual agreement of husband and wife, and were not affected by households’ internal factors. On the other hand, the external factors such as extended family and norms were influential to the decisions’ made. The extended family’s advices on pregnancy and childbirth were often based on family experiences, even though most of respondents have faith to trust the village midwife than traditional one.
Keywords : birth, family, traditional midwife
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi pengambilan keputusan keluarga dalam menentukan penolong persalinan di Desa Ligarmukti, Bogor. Faktor tersebut, yaitu faktor internal rumahtangga (karakteristik rumahtangga dan ibu hamil/bersalin) dan faktor eksternal rumahtangga (pelayanan kesehatan dan modal sosial). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam serta observasi lapang sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menujukkan sebagian besar responden lebih memilih paraji sebagai penolong persalinan dibandingkan bidan desa. Keputusan dibuat berdasarkan kesepakatan suami istri dan tidak dipengaruhi faktor internal keluarga. Faktor eksternal seperti jaringan dengan keluarga besar dan kepatuhan terhadap norma yang turun temurun memengaruhi pengambilan keputusan. Keluarga besar memberi masukan seputar kehamilan dan persalinan yang sering kali berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya, walaupun sebenarnya masyarakat sudah banyak yang memercayai keahlian bidan.
Kata kunci: bersalin, keluarga, parajiDownloads
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